

Sunday, September 23, 2012


بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

"It's not What Happens to You. It's what you do about it. "

Not be important what happens to you / happen to you, but what matters is how you respond to things that happened to you that.

The meaning of the following wise words by which I mean "For example when we receive a problem. What's important is how we respond in a positive matter, and what we do after we receive the problem.

"Success comes not from what we know, but from whom we know and how we bring ourselves to each person."

"The only way to make yourself indispensable is to set yourself up can be replaced."

"To drop one, you must fall with them. Conversely, when you pick up people, you, too, rose. "

"The Man Who does more than he is paid for Will soon be paid more than he does"

Do not be Afraid to take it off, if that is given only to hurt you.

Because You Do not Know how valuable it will replace. . . .

Just Because I Love You Do not Leave Without You Waiting Continuous Also Loving Yourself.

Pray Not Just Because You Have a Desire, But Grateful For Everything That Has Given God Tells ...

People Who Always Find a Reason For The People Grateful Is Stronger Far From The People Who Always Find Reasons' tuk Complaining. . . .

Experience Is Not A series of events that happened to someone.

But What To Do Someone Up What Happens ....

It's True If We Do not Know What We got until we lose. And Also We Not Know What We Have Unprecedented Until We Get it.

The way to be ahead is getting started now. If you start now, next year you'll know a lot of things that are now unknown, and you will not know the future if you are waiting.

In a matter of conscience, mind pertamalah the best. In the matter of wisdom, thought best latter.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can not live long enough to do all the error itself. ~ Martin Vanbee

Great people in any field is not new work because they are inspired, but they became inspired because they prefer to work. They do not waste time to wait for inspiration.

Successful people have learned to make themselves do things to be done when it had to be done, whether they like it or not.

Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we always regret what we have accomplished.

The most dangerous enemy on this earth is a timid and indecisive. The most loyal friend, only the courage and unwavering faith.

Something that has not been done, often seems impossible: we just believe that we have managed to do well.

Wrongdoings are common to humans, but the deed was actually pretending that give rise to hostility and betrayal.

If people cling to the belief, then it's gone skepticism. But, if people have started to hold on to disbelief, then the confidence is lost.

Because people will love him, tersembunyilah him disgrace himself; not seem real to him though. In outlook despite how small the amount.

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